Shopify App Store analysis

Instafeed ‑ Instagram Feed

Instafeed ‑ Instagram Feed
Shopify app listing
has changed 14 times in the last six months
The most recent changes were on the 16th of September, 2022
, when they changed
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This app
is gathering reviews at about 0 a day. Their reviews are mostly positive, and their overall rating has stayed the same for a while at 4.9
is gathering reviews at about 0 a day. Their reviews are mostly positive, and their overall rating has stayed the same for a while at 4.9
has changed 14 times in the last six months


They use the
recurring charge pricing model, with 3 pricing plans from free to $15.99 and no free trial
They've changed their prices 6 times in the last six months


Instafeed ‑ Instagram Feed
changed their app icon once, and changed their screenshots 2 times in the last six months


description is 1844 characters long, using most of the available characters.
Most used keywords
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